Di Has Stories…

(and they’re all true)

Success! July 10, 2006

Filed under: my fat ass — Diana @ 1:26 pm

What have you been successful at, Di? I hear you asking.


Well, nothing yet. But my Magna Karma told me last night that my new eating plan will be a Success.


In an effort to not be at my fattest on my wedding day, the weight loss challenge starts today.


This morning, my sweetie was giving me a ride to work (have I mentioned yet in this post that I have the Best Fiance EVER?) I told him that today was the first day of the Di’s Fat Ass Reduction Plan. He thought that it needed a more technical name, so we came up with…


The Cellulite Reduction Achievement Plan.


Yep. CRAP.


Let the CRAP begin!


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